Contact us.
Business Line: (603) 463-7258
Fax: (603) 463-2822
After Hours/Dispatch Line: (603) 463-7432 (Rockingham County Dispatch)
Emergency Line: 9-1-1
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-4 pm
8 Raymond Rd.
Deerfield, NH 03037
Officer Appreciation
If you had a positive interaction with a Deerfield Police Officer and would like to let us know, please fill out the form below and submit it. Our officers always enjoy getting positive feedback from the community they serve.
Making a complaint;
If you wish to make a complaint about the actions of a police officer or about any aspect of police operations, please:
Come to the department and tell any employee that you want to make a complaint; or
Call the department and tell the person answering the phone that you want to make a complaint
Write your complaint and mail it to the Chief of Police
If your complaint involves the Chief of Police, you may contact the appropriate appointing authority
An officer will assist you in filling out a Report of Complaint Against Police Personnel Form. This form asks you to identify yourself and then to give specific details about your complaint.
Your complaint will then be investigated. You may be contacted and asked additional questions about your complaint.
You will be contacted by the Chief of Police, or his designee, when the investigation has been completed.