Community Events

Haunted Stables
The Haunted Stables is a two-hour community event held jointly by the Deerfield Police and Fire Departments the weekend before Halloween. The event is free for all in the community that wants to be scared. In 2021 the event garnered well over 500 attendees! The event features a haunted hayride and two scary barns to walk through. Deerfield Community School PTO also provides warm beverages and food throughout the night. The event is made possible due to Deerfield’s first responders and their families putting significant time and effort into making this a fun event for the public.
Deerfield Police Department 2018-2019 Haunted Stables

National Night Out
National Night Out is a country-wide event held annually in August. The purpose of which is to increase the public’s understanding of their local police department. Further to foster discussions and relationships between the police and the community they serve. Deerfield Police Department held its first National Night Out in 2019, and it was a great success. Unfortunately, in 2020 and 2021 the department felt it was best not to have the event due to the pandemic. However, Deerfield PD will be holding it again in 2022.
During the event, there are games, food, and law enforcement displays and discussions. Further, it is one of only a few events open to the public that all members of Deerfield PD are gathered in one location to interact with.
Deerfield Police Department 2019 National Night Out is pictured below

National Prescription Take Back Day
The National Prescription Take Back Day is a Bi-Annual event held by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Deerfield PD participates in both the April and October collections between 10 am and 2 pm. We also have a drug collection bin in the Police Station Lobby available during business hours year-round.
Deerfield Police Department Drug Take Back Day 2021